Lymphomas and sarcomas are cancers that impact your body lymph nodes and soft tissues. You need a radiation oncologist to treat them. Radiation oncologists, Michael Marchese, M.D., FACRO, and Hemangini Shah, D.O., FACRO lead a team at Shore Point Radiation Oncology Cancer Center in Lakewood, N.J. that is dedicated to providing you with outstanding care, attend to your concerns and strive to obtain the best outcome with the least amount of side effects. To learn more or get a second opinion, schedule your consultation by calling the office.
Lymphoma is a cancer that attacks your lymphatic system, beginning in the lymph nodes. Most lymph nodes are in the underarms, neck, chest, abdomen, groin, and pelvis. While there are several kinds of lymphoma, the two primary subtypes are Hodgkin lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Sarcoma begins in the bones or the soft tissues that connect and support your body structures. Because over 70 kinds of sarcoma exist, the team must carefully customize your treatment plan to your specific needs.
Your symptoms may include:
The symptoms of lymphoma are similar to more common issues like infections, so it can be easy to overlook.
You know your body, so talk to your provider if something doesn’t seem right.
Biopsies are usually done for any abnormal areas, including lumps or swellings. Imaging studies, such as CT scan, MRI's and PET/CT scans are usually done to define the extent of the tumor and stage the cancer.
Lymphomas are usually not treated with surgery. Fortunately, lymphomas are sensitive to radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Depending on the stage and type of lymphoma, treatment can include radiation therapy for early stages or combined with chemotherapy. For advanced stages, chemotherapy is usually the primary treatment. Radiation is often used to treat the areas of involvement to reduce the changes of the cancer returning. Sarcomas, can be difficult to treat. If possible, surgical removal is recommended. Radiation therapy is often used after surgery to minimize the risk of recurrence.
The radiation oncologists at Shore Point work closely with the surgeons and medical oncologists to provide the optimal treatment. We use the state of the art image guided/intensity modulated radiation that minimizes side effects by avoiding dose to normal organs. The team has extensive training and experience and use state of the art technology to provide leading edge treatment for lymphoma and sarcoma. They will address all your concerns and help you with any problems you may experience during the treatments. We will discuss you cancer treatment options and answer all your questions. To get a second opinion or an initial consultation with experienced radiation oncologists please call Shore Point Radiation Oncology Center.