
Breast Cancer

Radiation Oncology located in Lakewood, NJ

Breast Cancer

About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most prevalent form of cancer among women in the United States. At Shore Point Radiation Oncology Center in Lakewood, New Jersey, Michael Marchese, MD, FACRO, Hemangini Shah, DO, FACRO, and their team approach breast cancer treatment with knowledge and understanding of a woman's experience as well as a background in breast cancer research. For compassion and expertise in breast cancer treatment, call the office or book an appointment online today.

Breast Cancer Q&A

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer occurs when breast cells mutate and then multiply in an uncontrolled way. The abnormal cells cause a mass or tumor to develop in your breast tissue. Following skin cancer, breast cancer is the leading form of cancer in American women. Men can also get breast cancer, but it’s more common in women.

Early detection and personalized treatment from the team at Shore Point Radiation Oncology Center increases your likelihood of overcoming breast cancer.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

Breast cancer symptoms vary from person to person. Many people with breast cancer don’t experience symptoms at all, which is why breast cancer screening is so crucial.

Warning signs of breast cancer may include:

  • A new lump in the breast or underarm area
  • Thickening or swelling of part of the breast
  • Pain in the breast
  • Changes to the skin on the breast, like dimpling
  • Changes in the breast size or shape
  • Nipple inversion or pain
  • Nipple discharge other than milk

If you have any of these signs or symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor right away.

What breast cancer treatments are available?

There are many options for breast cancer treatment. Surgery is usually used for breast cancer, unless the cancer is very advanced or has already spread to other area. In the past, mastectomy was recommended for most breast cancers. However, multiple large studies show that early cancers can be treated by removing the cancer while preserving the breast. Studies have also shown that if radiation therapy is given after the removal of the cancer the chances of recurrence are much lower. If the cancers are more
advanced, then mastectomy is usually recommended. In some cases if the lymph nodes are involved, or the cancer is large, radiation therapy is used after the mastectomy to reduce the chances of recurring in the chest wall or in the lymph nodes. Depending on the aggressiveness of the cancer, chemotherapy is often utilized to prevent spread of the cancer to other areas. This is usually given prior to radiation therapy and after surgery. Hormone therapy for hormone positive cancers is recommended following the radiation therapy. If the cancer has spread, chemotherapy and hormone therapy are the mainstays of treatment. Radiation therapy can be used to treat areas of spread, such as bone or brain, or the breast itself.

How does radiation therapy treat breast cancer?

The team at Shore Point Radiation Oncology Center has a lot of experience treating breast cancer. A personalized radiation plan is developed for your specific needs by the radiation oncologist, Dr. Marchese or Dr. Shah. They determine the best approach for treatment based on the type of breast cancer you have and the stage of disease. The radiation oncologists use 3D conformal therapy or IMRT to treat the breast and avoid dose to the normal structures. IGRT is always used to assure accurate treaetment delivery. High energy beams are often used to minimize skin effects. The recurrence rate for breast cancers treated at Shore Point has been very low. Forcancers after lumpectomy, recurrences in the breast have been than 1%. Dr. Marchese and Dr. Shah take a lot of time to achieve the most uniform dose in the breast, so that the cosmetic results are as good as possible.

For the highest-quality care in breast cancer treatment, call Shore Point Radiation Oncology Center, or book an appointment online today.