The radiation oncologists have been in practice for more than 25 years. Dr. Marchese and Dr.Shah began their careers in large academic Medical Centers, and were on faculty at the Medical Schools. They both decided that they enjoyed patient care more than research and publications. They spent a number of years in the Barnabas Health
System. They then went to Shore Point where they found that at a free standing independent treatment center affords the best opportunity to treat patients in the optimal manner. Both Dr. Shah and Dr. Marchese have treated thousands of adult patients with cancers in all the major sites, including prostate, breast, lung, colon and rectum,
head and neck and esophagus, as well as skin cancer and lymphoma. They are not only Board Certified, but have earned fellowship in the American College of Radiation Oncology (FACRO) for their experience and expertise.
Shore Point has invested in the latest equipment to assure the best results. The equipment is made by Varian and is capable of image guided radiation therapy, IMRT with multiple arcs and stereotactic radiosurgery. Varian is the leading radiation oncology manufacturer, and equipment by Varian is used by most major Medical Centers. Most of the major Centers have chosen Varian to deliver five days courses of stereotactic radiation rather than than using CyberKnife. Although CyberKnife has a catchy name it is made by a much smaller company called Accuray. Treatments take significantly longer with CyberKnife. The Varian machines are used by Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York and most major Centers, rather than CyberKnife.
Many facilities will talk about personalized care, but at Shore Point it really happens. We want to offer patients the best treatment options, and have them involved in the decision making. We will tell patients what we would recommend for a family member. More im portantly we have the time and flexibility to fine tune treatments to each persons individual needs. While we follow the accepted NCCN and other guidelines we do not use "cookbook" formulas to treat each cancer site like is often done at larger institutions and satellite facilities of major cancer centers.
Having worked at larger institutions Dr. Marchese and Dr. Shah are gratified by the ability to hire and keep the best staff without going through multiple administrators and procedues. We try our best to hire and keep radiation therapists (who deliver the treatment), nurses and front desk personnel who not only have the knowledge and
expertise to give the best treatment, but are very empathetic and compassionate individuals.
We accept almost all major insurances and accept assignment with Medicare. We never
turn away a patient because they cannot afford the treatment. We will work out a reasonable payment plan. A recent example is a patient who did not have insurance and went to seek care at a local Hospital. He was asked to pay $50,000 upfront! The patient came to us and we worked out a payment plan for a much lower amount.
For patients that cannot drive themselves we offer free transportation in a mini van. We bring patients as far away asas Caldwell and Edison.
Unlike larger institutions the parking is only steps from the entrance of the facility. There are no long hallways to deal with or having to make multiple stops to register and set up treatments. Our caring front desk staff will guide patients through the initial consultation in a comfortable waiting room. Ample parking is available for all patients, including handicap parking. We are conveniently located very close to Parkway Exit 89 near the borders of Brick and Toms River.
In cases that are urgent we will always try to accommodate the patients within a day or two of the request. Almost all patients are seen within a week of the request. In addition, we have the flexibility to do simulation, plan and start patients right away if indicated. This is very important for fast growing tumors, and delays at larger Centers can be weeks.
Things can change during the course of therapy. Tumors will shrink. Patients body girth can change and patients may have unexpected side effects. At Short Point we can quickly resimulate and replan treatments if necessary to optimize the treatment. Our physics staff is only steps away from the radiation oncologist. We will make changes as
quickly as necessary so that the patients continue to receive optimal care. At larger institutions changes in therapy are often frowned upon because of the scheduling and personnel that are involved. Contacts with physics may be by email. Adaptive therapу can be very important to a successful outcome with minimal side effects.
We survey our patients after completing treatment. The satisfaction scores are outstanding. The vast majority of patients will give us the highest rating on all satisfaction questions.
Possibly the most important reason to choose a facility is results. At Shore Point we do whatever we can to maximize your chances of cure with the least amount of side effects. We have obtained outstanding results with prostate cancer. That is why most urologists in the area trust their patients to Shore Point. We get referrals from urologists from Monmouth and Middlesex Counties who recognize the outstanding results. Our recurrence rate in the breast for breast cancer patients and for skin care patients has been less than 1%. We have also achieved better than expected results in head and neck, lung and other cancers.